Seek, Not Sleep, Your Way Through The Work Week

According to research, most of us are disengaged at work—sleepworking our way to the weekend. Our jobs often elicit feelings of frustration and futility. The reason? We look to our jobs to deliver in ways God didn’t intend. This breakdown between God’s design and our purposes robs us of potential, dampens our spirits, and dims our light in the marketplace.

In The TOE Formula, Glenn Deering makes the case that God didn’t create work for the primary purpose of providing for ourselves. Rather, He gives us jobs so that we would seek him out and draw closer to him and each other. 

Through speaking engagements and serialized essays on, Glenn shifts Christian hearts and minds to approach work as God truly intended. So they can experience the gratification of encountering God at work and ultimately shine Christ’s light in a way that ignites a revival the world has yet to see.